Q. Where are you located?
A. We are located in Rockford, Illinois
Q. What type of film do you transfer?
A. We specialize in Regular 8, Super 8mm (sound or silent) and 16mm (sound or silent) film formats.
Q. How much film can I get on one 2 hour DVD?
A. You can get approximately 1800 feet of 8mm film and 3600 feet of 16mm film on a 2 hour DVD.
Q. Can I get my original film reels and boxes returned?
A. Yes, all reels and film boxes are returned with your finished film transfer.
Q. How safe are my films?
A. Your film is priceless, and because of that we strongly suggest UPS Secure Tracking of your memories. When we receive your film and video, it is provided with an internal tracking number that remains with your items until it is shipped back to you with the digital transfer. We have never lost or misplaced an order.
Q. How can I tell the difference between Regular 8mm and Super 8mm film?
A. There are a few ways to tell the difference. The easiest is by looking at the sprocket holes. Super 8mm film will have much smaller sprocket holes. If you have any questions, please call customer support.
Q. How should I organize my films before sending them to be transferred?
A. Please number your film reels and boxes in ascending order 1,2,3,4,5 with a pen or marker. Start with the oldest films first and continue in chronological order to the newest films.